Our Lady of Providence Medical
Lab - Ekg - study Fees
(As of 5/16/2023, list not all inclusive / additional labs, etc. also discounted, prices subject to change, excellent complement for those with high deductibles, option also available to bill insurances for labs)
CBC...$7 Basic Metabolic Panel...$10 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel...$14
Lipid Profile...$9 Rapid Strep Test...$10 Urinalysis...$12 Urine Culture...$17
CRP...$10 Sedimentation Rate...$10 TSH...$12 T3 Free...$15 T4 Free...$15
HgB A1C...$10 B12...$12 Vitamin D...$30 Renal Function Panel...$14
PSA, Total...$14 Folate...$12 Iron Panel (Iron, TIBC, Ferritin)...$17 PTT...$9
Serum HCG w reflex to quantitative...$40 Estrogen...$38 Progesterone...$11
DHEA...$14 Magnesium...$9 Phosphate...$9 Celiac Panel...$57 Lyme AB w/Reflex...$54
Testosterone...$21 Fecal Occult Blood Test...$5 EKG...$25